Why, hello there!
What a fantabulous week! Lake got baptized, and it was a wonderful baptism! I am so grateful to be a part of God's work and to be an instrument in His hands!
Sister Brandon (Lake's mom), Lake, Brother Plewe,
Sister Cozzens and Sister Bedingfield
Tuesday night, I had a crazy dream about a zombie apocalypse, and it was just super scary. When I woke up, my body hurt and I was soooo tired. I thought it was just from that dumb dream, so we went walking for our morning exercise! But, when we got back to the apartment, I went to go sit on my bed, because everything hurt, and I was so tired. I just laid there, because I didn't want to move or get ready. Throughout the first 3 hours of the day, it got worse, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to work! I needed sleep. I was super sad, because I didn't want to cancel any of our appointments, but my body literally felt like I had gotten hit by a few cars. So, Sister Mullen had me stay in. I slept all day long, thank goodness I didn't throw up, but a little bit of Gatorade and sleep was what I needed! We had exchanges planned for that night with Sister Turner in Eastvale, so I needed to rest up. I felt a whole lot better by 6 o'clock, so we decided to exchange!
I went to Eastvale with my hija (daughter), Sister Turner!!!! :) I love her so much, and it was so good to be reunited again!! I am going to copy and paste a story (that Sister Turner wrote in her email, about us walking) :
"Sister Cozzens and I were walking, and we saw a woman sweeping her front porch. We start talking to her, and we have this wonderful conversation about how wonderful our Savior is and how He's our rock. We invited her to watch the Hallelujah video, and she said to come by in a few minutes. We walk around the corner and then swiftly head right back to her house. She finishes up sweeping and says, "Would you two like to come inside?" She invites us in, and we sit down in her front room. We get to know one another, and we start with a prayer. As she's watching the video, I could feel the Spirit. She testified to us that she knows Christ lives. And then she said, "I know that the Lord guided me to be outside, at the same time you walked down my street. I know that He wanted me to hear your message." The Spirit testified to me that what she said was true. We sat there in awe for a few moments and then set a return appointment with her."
I love Sister Turner so stinking much!!!!!!!!
"I love Indian food!"
Oh! I forgot to mention, I was fine after Tuesday! It was weird!! I went on exchanges on Saturday with Sister Lineback! Let me tell you, she is fantastic. She is so down to earth and real. We had such a fun day together, and we worked so hard! We made a goal of picking up 4 new investigators and guess what happened?? We picked up 4 new investigators, three of which are families!!! God is so good! Sister Lineback is just herself when she teaches and talks to people, and my robot teaching voice was gone all day! I learned so much from her, and I love her to pieces!
Mosiah 2:41 -go look it up.
Have a wonderful week! :)
Love, Sister Cozzens
Hermana Cramer, Sister Cozzens, Sister Turner, and
Sister da Silva
Zone Conferences last week
Sister Cozzens' Zone
Eating lunch during a multi-zone conference
Sisters Bedingfield and Cozzens, taken
by a member who had just had dinner
with them.